Misreading Deleuze: Geosophy

Misreading the Diablo of misreadings

People made out of stone and turned into

this soft jam (for reading and writing)

The desire to be clear and crystalline

rather than this pus of fundament

posing as a thing that hunts. Granite

sand, silt, muck and swamp weed

each in radiants along a chaotic curve

we name creativity as if it had a mind.

Each according to its own jurisdiction

rules about how each piece fits into

the other, without destroying either

ideally, so all may flourish, changing

into birds and insects, gelatinous

floaty things in the wet places where

stone has melted into water. We are

that water, innovated over durations

swallowed by larger and more monstrous

durations that seem to sing. I watch

myself freezing back into the stone slag

I was, where equality doesn’t mean

a thing except the end of this, a life