Misreading Deleuze: I’ve Just Seen a Face

This is a new series attempting to explain my misunderstanding of perhaps the most important 20th century philosopher, at least to artists and other weirdos

I’ve just seen a face but perhaps

that was my error, a fault in my perception

of space, a void that undoes itself

by consuming a confluence of unrelated

fuss and buzz, everything one might

think of stuffed into the cracks and crevasses

so that it becomes a foil for those who look

and those who design what’s looked upon.

It was my error to see in you my mother

or the cop who chased me barefoot

through the broken glass so that

faces cut into my callused soles

would stay a while and greet me sharply

when I walked. A postcard of Mount

Rushmore peers through the appetite

of the baby king who wants his visage there

never thinking they are dead things

collecting by association what he pretends

to be, while we wait patiently for his

form to become an inert geologic substance