Misreading Deleuze: Sorcery

This is a new series attempting to explain my misunderstanding of perhaps the most important 20th century philosopher, at least to artists and other weirdos

Organizing a fable on your face
so sorcery can amble with dexterity
the way you choose it without
believing it so, but as selective
schizophrenia to see what it may bring
a body without organs as a haunt
though to imagine such a thing
to define what is by re-territoriality
in a radical sense, as if saying
this is how I choose to see, set up
the game board, for this specified
period of tense. And what new
solutions then arise determined by
what problems can be seen with
this set of eyes, lensed by play time feather-
heads, rattle-shaking or the tantra of
the internet; for instance what to do
about the police or the pandemic or
umbrella name for a tribe of sub-
events of similar or related phenomena.
What if I changed its name to Pazuzu –
not to deny science but to give
the science a different job one more
ur-toned, a form of sorcery that it was
before normalized via the politics
of education, that icy edge of
the enlightenment, way it pretended
to end all pagan mischief, for the sake
of Christianity, which it also upended
while holding seances in the back room
monks burned at the stake, laughing
heartily at the prosecution. Oh dear
science, daughter of alchemy and
metaphysics, how you disguise yourself
as something even the vulgate know.